What it’s like working at Plumpitupp and Tracy’s Treatments!

Before starting my career at Plumpitupp, Toronto’s best medical spa, I had received multiple Dermal Filler and Botox (Neurotoxin) treatments at other clinics in Toronto and Oakville. I had also received a few microdermabrasion sessions, but that was the extent of my beauty and skincare routine. I had always thought that my skin was pretty good because of genetics and the few maintenance treatments I was getting done, little did I know how much better my skin would become after I stepped foot into Plumpitupp and Nurse Reeya’s chair. 

So what changed? Was it my skincare? My resurfacing treatments? My collagen boosting microneedling? My quarterly reassessments with Nurse Reeya? Well … let’s just say I am truly grateful for being a part of Plumpitupp, because it was all of the above that helped me look and feel my best. 

The biggest game changer was my Morpheus8 sessions with Plumpitupp. That was the first treatment I had done. Morpheus 8 is a fractional skin treatment that stimulates collagen production of the underlying layers of the dermis. By targeting the deeper layers of my skin, my face has been remodelled to reveal a more youthful radiant appearance. Since Morpheus8 has skin tightening as well, the texture and laxity of my skin has improved immensely! The fine lines around my mouth and chin (well, maybe not so fine lol) have almost completely disappeared. We even used the Morpheus8 to treat a 5 year old surgical scar on my back and it has almost completely faded! I have had 3 treatments so far and I can honestly say it has totally been an unbelievable treatment! 

After my first session of Morpheus8, I immediately switched my morning and night routine to a full AlumierMD skincare regimen. I found that doing this really allowed my Morpheus8 results to last long, and boost the quality of my skin - the glow, even tone, moisture boost, and overall refresh its given me is unmatched. Everything across the board was just getting better and better.

I always tell my clients how important it is to have a good skincare routine - but seeing the way Alumier products compliment the Morpheus8 results was a total eye opener.

I have also had 2 PRP (platelet rich plasma) treatments for my face. Now these are AMAZING! PRP is that treatment we’ve all seen Kim Kardashian do - the vampire facial. Nurse Reeya takes a vial of blood, spins it in a centrifuge, and isolates my PRP which has platelets, plasma, white blood cells, proteins, and all the good stuff our blood uses to heal injuries and wounds. 

By using a cannula to fan the PRP under my skin, I get a beautiful glow. Nurse Reeya explained to me that the movement and fanning of the cannula causes the fibroblasts to be activated to essentially build more collagen and elastin. This is the real fountain of youth! A lot of our clients use PRP for hair thickening and restoration, as well as under eye rejuvenation. I will be trying those treatments soon! 

Next, I have done 2 Microneedling treatments with hylaronic acid (HA) done with the EVO PEN!  A microneedling treatment triggers a natural boost in collagen and elastin production that results in softened lines, reduced wrinkles, scar reduction, and an improvement to overall skin texture. You will have a bit of downtime with microneedling - some redness and pinpoint bleeding on the day of, but overall it’s a great treatment. Within two days your skin is glowing, and really looks smooth as a baby’s bottom! 

Next we did one session of IPL (intense pulse light) using Inmode’s LUMECCA technology - this is really such a fabulous treatment! However, it is best done in the fall and winter months. This treatment not only removes red/brown pigmentation, sun damage, acne scarring, births marks, vascular lesions, rosacea, and freckles but it also gives you that Photorejuvenation of your face, neck, décolletage, legs, hands, and arms. This has really helped with my pigmentation and the best is you only need 1-3 treatments with no downtime.  It truly is a must! I will talk more about IPL when the summer is over and I know all of you will be looking for a place to fix you sun damage! 

Finally, last but not least, I have had  Dysport (neurotoxin) done once with Nurse Reeya at plumpitupp. Dysport (or Botox) can be done every 3-4 months to treatment wrinkles caused by movement of the muscles - areas like the forehead lines, crows feet, smokers lines, elevens (or angry lines), brow lifts, lip flips, masseter reduction for facial slimming, neck bands and so much more! We use Dysport at the clinic because it is more cost effective than Botox, lasts longer and kicks in faster. The greater the dose the longer your results will last! 

With all of this being said, after just 7 months of working with Nurse Reeya and plumpitupp, my skin has never looked better. I was such a sun worshiper in the past making the lines and texture in my skin very apparent and visible. I had Pigmentation pretty much all over my face and I can say now with all the treatments and skincare, my face is just getting better and better! I will be looking 21 all over again!! 

Plumpitupp is really and truly where it’s at for all of your skincare needs! Come see us and book now for your treatments here.


Tracy O.


What is microneedling and how does it work?


InMode: Platform and Treatments