What on Earth is Microneedling?!

If you read my last blog, you are well aware of little Pimple Covered Reeya and how unfortunate she was to suffer from acne everyday for over a decade. Writing to you today, is Clear Skin Reeya; a woman with close to perfect skin and a big smile on her face.

Today’s blog post is about a game changing treatment, MICRONEEDLING! This is a service I encourage almost all of my clients to partake in, especially when spending a lot of time and money on Botox and Dermal Filler. Microneedling works to boost collagen, keep your skin blemish free, reduce pigmentation, and prevent the appearance of aging. These results compliment filler and Botox injections to create the perfect end result. So let’s get into it…


What is Microneedling?

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Microneedling is the creation of intentional micro injuries in the epidermis and dermis skin layers. This minimally invasive treatment allows facial needles to create tiny pokes to stimulate wound healing which encourages the body’s natural reaction to produce collagen. The entire process is about stimulating the body to work naturally in producing anti aging results!


What does Microneedling help with?

The following skin issues can be significantly improved with the use of Microneedling:

  • Rough skin texture

  • Acne and acne scars

  • Uneven skin tone

  • Surgical scars

  • Large pore size

  • Sun spots and sun damage

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Loose skin

  • Stretch marks  

  • Hyperpigmentation


What is the process of Microneedling?

Microneedling begins with cleansing the face to ensure there are no traces of makeup or dirt. Second, numbing cream is applied (Pro Tip: Nurses can use prescription grade numbing cream from a pharmacy so you really won’t feel a thing). After the numbing cream has worked its magic, it is removed and the face is cleansed again. A customized serum is then applied to the face – your serum can contain amazing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, growth factor, and vitamins. Then we begin the Microneedling! The device doesn’t look as scary as it sounds. I have two device options at my clinic – both of which do a fantastic job, but you may prefer one over the other depending on how sensitive your skin is. As I microneedle, I continue to apply the serum which is penetrated deep into your skin through the little micro channels created. I will go over the same area 2-3 times and then we’re all done!

The entire treatment process is approximately 45 minutes.


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What does Microneedling feel like?

Honestly, the entire treatment feels pretty good – it’s no worse than a mild scratch. Some areas such as your cheeks, where there is more tissue underneath, may not feel any sensation at all! More delicate areas such as your upper lip or forehead may be a bit more sensitive but still very very tolerable. The prescription grade numbing cream is a great help, which is another reason why seeing a licensed health care professional for cosmetic treatments is always a good idea!  


How frequently can you receive Microneedling?

On average, Microneedling is recommended every 4-6 weeks for a minimum of 3 sessions. After the initial set of treatments, it is important to meet with your injector to determine if more treatments are required. Continued maintenance of Microneedling results are best kept if the treatment is done every 3-6 months after the initial sessions.


When is Microneedling not safe?

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In general, Microneedling is one of the safest cosmetic treatments you can do. Almost everyone can receive this treatment! The only group of clients who definitely cannot receive Microneedling (or any cosmetic treatments) are pregnant women or women who are nursing. There is not enough information on the way pregnant/nursing women react to minimally invasive procedures and it is not worth the risk for you or your little one! Other reasons your injector may ask you to rebook would be because of the current use of Accutane, current facial laser treatments, uncontrolled diabetes, bleeding disorders, or recent invasive facial procedures.


I hope this was informative and that you will have an overwhelming desire to receive Microneedling sessions! Contact me if you would like to learn more and go to my Instagram page to check out additional pictures!   

- Reeya 


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